If you wish to contact me privately, my email is primemover333@gmail.com. If you wish to know how I got three columns across the top of my blog but only two below ... if you're willing to pay, I'm willing to tell you (unless I really like you, then you don't have to pay).

I enjoy discussion both with people that agree with me and those that don't, so comment liberally if you so choose. However, don't expect me to pull punches if your comments are nonsense.

I believe I will be focusing, for the greater part, on the practical side of things. In other words, "less art, more substance;" how I apply Objectivism in my everyday life. There are enough blogs and other resources available that talk theory. I've provided links to a number of them here. For now, I prefer to focus on applying that theory to the nitty-gritty of everyday life instead of higher concepts. However, inevitably, there will probably by some conceptual posts as well; like any time something really gets my goat. Enjoy.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Perhaps 80's New Wave Was More Substantive than We Thought?

For those of you that thought 80's New Wave was just about the overuse of synthesizers and fluorescent lights, I submit for your approval:

From New Order's "True Faith"
The chances are we've gone too far.
You took my time and you took my money.
Now I fear you've left me standing,
In a world that's so demanding.
Maybe Joy Division part deux knew what they were talking about. That is, if you take the leap and apply the above to US economic policy.

From Wall of Voodoo's "Mexican Radio"
I dial it in and tune the station.
They talk about the U.S. inflation.
I understand just a little.
No comprende, it's a riddle.
I can see this as an apt commentary on the average citizen's grasp of Federal Reserve policies and their effects on currency value.

Perhaps these bands were able to tear themselves away from their cocaine and Rubik's Cubes long enough to make some contributions to the fight for reason. At least, as long as you're willing to read them that way.