Well, he's not really a Socialist. Like many, he doesn't really know what Socialism is let alone its disastrous consequences. And, not surprisingly, he has just as little understanding of Capitalism. The problem, as I see it, is he does not seem to have an impetus to discover what these things are for himself. We've had lengthy conversations that have constantly degenerated into circular arguments because he has no grounding in the basics. I've asked him about his epistemology and after explaining what that meant I was given the answer that he is "shaped by [his] experiences and observations." I wasn't even sure where to begin with that; other than saying (as I did to him) that "we are all shaped by our experiences and observations." It is how we incorporate what we experience and observe into our being that determines what kind of a person we become. How we incorporate is determined by our philosophy. When we don't know or don't have a philosophy ... well that pretty much leaves us in a nebulous world of inconsistent and unreasoned thought (to use the word loosely) now doesn't it? How could you know what you know, why you think what you think, or why you believe what you believe?
This seems to be the case for not only my friend, but the vast majority of people. I think it really explains how demagogues like FDR, Bush, and Obama get elected. Yes, I'm already conceding for John McLame. Don't worry about it Johnny! I got it covered for ya'! He's going to loose because he has no idea what he stands for. He has no philosophy to guide him. I will make the assertion that most of those voting for Obama are either voting against Bush ( you do know he isn't running, right?) or for Obama because he sounds pretty. When you have no map (read: philosophy) then you have no idea whether a particular course (read: certain candidate) will lead closer to or away from your destination. Should we Change ... why, how, to what specifically? It's not certain whether Obama even knows for sure what he is preaching, but one thing is certain, he has more philosophical ground to stand on than McCain ... for what it's worth.
But I digress. I have a conundrum. I have lent my assistance in a creative project to my friend. There is a character based on me. I have allowed the use of a pseudonym I created many years ago. I have read portions of the script and given input as well as been a sounding board for my friend to flesh out ideas for the series. Now, according to my friend (keep in mind his ignorance), the series is taking a Socialistic turn. Now, I am uncertain as to what to do. I still value my oldest friend. He may be misguided, but he is not evil. However, the fact remains that if the series does promote Socialistic values, I have given aid and succor to the enemy; even if in ignorance. Should I ask that my pseudonym be removed from the character? Should I deny all further assistance, or should I help more in making an already semi-Objectivist character a fuller Objectivist? In which is there more value? Does it matter if the pen is held by a Mystic?
Today in Supreme Court History: February 22, 2005
10 hours ago